Jing Jin received Philip Rosenberg & Steven D. Cohen Fellowship ($1,500) to support her research in Zhong's lab in the summer of 2024.
Alicia Zongxun Wang received an AY2023-2024 UConn School of Pharmacy Pharm.D. Honors Program Research Scholarship ($2,000) to support her research in Zhong's lab in 2023-2024.
![2023 Alicia Wang Honor Award 2](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2023/12/2023-Alicia-Wang-Honor-Award-2-scaled.jpg)
![2023 Alicia Wang Honor Award 1](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2023/12/2023-Alicia-Wang-Honor-Award-1-scaled.jpg)
Sherouk Tawfik received 2nd Place of Best Presentation Award Predoctoral Research in the 25th North American ISSX Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, September 10-13, 2023. Her presentation title is "Unveiling the intracellular journey: GOLGA8N-mediated subcellular trafficking of siRNA drugs and its implication on silencing efficacy".
Xiaobo Zhong is appreciated by the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) to serve as Chair of the Division for Drug Metabolism and Disposition in 2021-2022.
![2023 Xiaobo Zhong ASPET DMDD Chair](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2023/06/2023-Xiaobo-Zhong-ASPET-DMDD-Chair-1.jpg)
Jing Jin is selected as the Drug Metabolism and Disposition Highlighted Trainee Author in June, 2023. The article that earned her selection as a Highlighted Trainee Author is titled “50th anniversary celebration collection: Epigenetic mechanisms contribute to intraindividual variations of drug metabolism mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes”.
![2023 Jing Jin DMD Highlighted Author A](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2023/06/2023-Jing-Jin-DMD-Highlighted-Author-A.jpg)
Jing Jin received a John Morris Graduate Student Travel Award to attend the 2023 ASPET Annual Meeting in St. Louis, May 18-21, 2023.
![2023 Jing Jin Morris Travel Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2023/05/2023-Jing-Jin-Morris-Travel-Award.jpg)
![Jing Morris Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2023/05/Jing-Morris-Award-scaled.jpg)
Angela Sang received the Edmund E. Goodmaster, Sr. Pharmacy Award in the Graduation Banquet in May 5, 2023.
Anna Liu received the Dean James Halpert Award, CSHP Student Achievement Award, and the Royal Society of Chemistry Certificate of Undergraduate Excellence in the Graduation Banquet in May 5, 2023.
Anagha Gogate received an AY2022-2023 UConn School of Pharmacy Pharm.D. Honors Program Research Scholarship ($2,000) to support her research in Zhong's lab in 2022-2023.
![Anagha Gogate Honor Scholarship](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/10/Anagha-Gogate-Honor-Scholarship-rotated.jpg)
![Anagha Gogate Honor Scholarship 003](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/10/Anagha-Gogate-Honor-Scholarship-003-scaled.jpg)
Xiaobo Zhong is appreciated by the Microsomes and Drug Oxidations International Symposium Series for service as co-chair of the Meeting Organizing Committee of the 24th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (MDO) and 13th International Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) in Seattle, September 11-14, 2022.
![MDO Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/09/MDO-Award.jpg)
![MDO Award B](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/09/MDO-Award-B-scaled.jpg)
Jing Jin received a John Morris Graduate Student Travel Award to attend the 24th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (MDO) and 13th International Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) in Seattle, September 11-14, 2022.
![2022 John Morris Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/08/2022-John-Morris-Award-Jing-Jin-rotated.jpg)
![2022 John Morris Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/09/IMG_7976-1-scaled.jpg)
Xiaobo Zhong received the Faculty Research Advising Award in recognition of outstanding advising to student researchers in the School of Pharmacy in May 2022.
May Zhang received the Dean Michael C. Gerald Award, Louis F. Villa Memorial Award, Pharmaceutical Fraternity Award, Rho Chi Honor Society Alpha Gamma Chapter Senior Award in the Graduation Banquet in May 2022.
![2022 May Zhang Graduate Awards A](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/05/2022-May-Zhang-Graduate-Awards-A-scaled.jpg)
![2022 May Zhang Graduate Awards](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/05/2022-May-Zhang-Graduate-Awards-scaled.jpg)
May Zhang received the Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Award from the Women Center of the University of Connecticut in May 2022.
May Zhang received an AY2020-2021 UConn School of Pharmacy Pharm.D. Honors Program Research Scholarship ($2,000) to support her research in Zhong's lab in 2020-2021.
![PharmD Honors Program Research Scholarship Award May Zhang](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2021/10/PharmD-Honors-Program-Research-Scholarship-Award-May-Zhang.jpg)
![2021 May Zhang Research Fellowship](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/03/2021-May-Zhang-Research-Fellowship-scaled.jpg)
Angela Sang received an AY2021-2022 UConn School of Pharmacy Pharm.D. Honors Program Research Scholarship ($2,000) to support her research in Zhong's lab in 2021-2022.
![PharmD Honors Program Research Scholarship Award Angela Sang](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2021/10/PharmD-Honors-Program-Research-Scholarship-Award-Angela-Sang.jpg)
![PharmD Honors Program Research Scholarship Award Angela Sang](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2021/10/Award-001-scaled.jpg)
Yifan Bao is selected as the Drug Metabolism and Disposition Highlighted Trainee Author in May, 2022. The article that earned her selection as a Highlighted Trainee Author is titled “Alterations of cytochrome P450-mediated drug metabolism during liver repair and regeneration after acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mice”.
![2022 Yifan DMD Highlighted Author A](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/05/2022-Yifan-DMD-Highlighted-Author-A-1.jpg)
![2022 Yifan DMD Highlighted Author B](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/04/2022-Yifan-DMD-Highlighted-Author-B.jpg)
Yifan Bao received a Graduate Student Travel Award from ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2021 Virtual Meeting in April 27, 2021.
![2021 Yifan Bao ASPET Travel Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2022/04/2021-Yifan-Bao-ASPET-Travel-Award.jpg)
Yifan Bao received a Spring 2021 Doctoral Student Travel Fellowship from The UConn Graduate School ($1,000) to support her to attend national and international meetings in 2021.
Yifan Bao received the 2020 Edward A. and Lamia H. Khairallah Fellowship Award ($1,000) from the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Connecticut to support her research in 2020 summer.
![2020 Yifan-Edward award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2021/01/2020-Yifan-Edward-award.jpg)
![2020 Yifan-Edward award b](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2021/01/2020-Yifan-Edward-award-b-scaled.jpg)
Pei Wang received a Graduate Student Travel Award ($800) from ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2019 Meeting in Orlando, FL in April 6, 2019.
![2018 Pei ASPET Travel Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2019/04/2019-EB-Travel-Award-Pei-Wang.jpg)
![2018 Pei ASPET Travel Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2019/04/2019-EB-Travel-Award-Pei-Wang-2.jpg)
Liming Chen is selected as the Molecular Pharmacology Highlighted Trainee Author in April, 2020. The article that earned his selection as a Highlighted Trainee Author is titled “Knockdown of LncRNAs HNF1α-AS1 and HNF4α-AS1 Alters Susceptibility of Acetaminophen-induced Cytotoxicity in HepaRG Cells”.
![2020 Liming Mol Pharm Highlighted Author Certificate](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2021/01/2020-Liming-Mol-Pharm-Highlighted-Author-Certificate.jpg)
Liming Chen received the 2019 Edward A. and Lamia H. Khairallah Fellowship Award ($1,500) from the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Connecticut to support his research in 2019 summer.
![2019 Liming Chen Khairallah Fellowship](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2019/09/2019-Liming-Chen-Khairallah-Fellowship-1.jpg)
![2019 Liming Chen Khairallah Fellowship](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2019/09/2019-Liming-Chen-Khairallah-Fellowship-b.jpg)
Liming Chen received the Best Student Oral Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Northeast Regional Chapter in Rhode Island, in October 26, 2018.
![2018 Liming ASPET Travel Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2018/12/2018-Liming-SOT-NE-Chapter-Award.jpg)
![2018 Liming SOT NE Chapter Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2019/09/2018-Liming-SOT-NE-Chapter-Award-b.jpg)
Liming Chen received a Graduate Student Travel Award ($800) from ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2018 Meeting in San Diego, CA in April 21, 2018.
![2018 Liming ASPET Travel Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2018/05/2018-Liming-ASPET-Travel-Award.jpg)
![2018 Liming ASPET Travel Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2018/05/2018-Liming-ASPET-Travel-Award-02.jpg)
Liming Chen received a 2nd Place Student Best Presentation Award in 2017 International Symposium on Drug Metabolism in Beijing in June 28, 2017. The awarded presentation title is "The role of transcription factor HNF1a and long non-coding RNA HNF1a-AS1 in the regulation of cytochrome P450s and nuclear receptors in liver cells".
![2017 Liming](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2017-Liming-Presentation-Award.jpg.jpeg)
![2017 Liming](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2017-Liming-Presentation-Award-in-Beijing.jpg)
Austin Ferrara received a 2017 Merck Manuals Award for Academic Excellence in the 2017 Pharm.D. graduation in May 5, 2017.
![2017 Austin 002](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2017-Austin-003.jpg)
![2017 Austin 001](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2017-Austin-001.jpg)
Shashank Mishra received an IDEA (Imagine Develop Engage Apply) Grant Award ($4,000) from the Office of Undergraduate Research of the University of Connecticut to support a self-designed and self-led project in 2017-2018 academic year. The awarded project title is "Investigating the role of a long noncoding RNA, HAGLR, in the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma ".
![2017 IDEA Award Shashank Mishra](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2017-IDEA-Award-Shashank-Mishra.jpg)
Avish Patel received a Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) Award ($3,895) from the Office of Undergraduate Research of the University of Connecticut to support his research in 2017 Summer.
![Avish Patel](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/UConn-SURF-01.jpg)
Chad Pope received a Best Poster Award at the 21st International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (MDO) at University of California, Davis, CA in October 5, 2016. The awarded poster title is "The role of H19, a long non-coding RNA, in mouse liver during postnatal maturation".
![ Chad Pope received the Best Poster Award in MDO meeting](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2016-MDO-Best-Poster-Award-Chad-1.jpg)
![Chad Pope received the Best Poster Award in 21st MDO meeting](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/Award-005.jpg)
Stephanie Piekos received an AFPE Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Pharmaceutical Sciences ($10,000) from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education to support her Ph.D. education in 2017-2018 academic year. The awarded dissertation title is "Permanent alterations in CYP-mediated drug metabolism following neonatal antiepileptic drug treatment and the effects on therapeutic efficacy and safety in adult life".
![AFPE certificate](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/AFPE-Certificate.jpg)
![AFPE award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/AFPE-profile.jpg)
Stephanie Piekos received a Graduate Student Travel Award ($1,000) from ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2017 Meeting in Chicago, IL in April 22, 2017.
![2017 EB Travel Award Stephanie](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2017-EB-Travel-Award-Stephanie.jpg)
![Stephanie Travel Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2017-Stephanie-ASPET-Travel-Award.jpg)
Stephanie Piekos received a Graduate Student Travel Award ($1,000) from ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2016 Meeting in San Diego, CA in April 2, 2016.
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2016-EB-Travel-Award-Stephanie-b.jpg)
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2016-EB-Travel-Award-Stephanie-a.jpg)
Sabrina Ilham received the Dr. Karl A. & Joan C. Nieforth Pharmacy Student Research Grant Award ($4,000) from the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in October 22, 2016 to recognize her past academic achievement and potential for future academic and professional accomplishment.
Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received the James R. Gillette Best Paper Award in Drug Metabolism from the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2016 Meeting in San Diego, CA in April 4, 2016. The awarded paper is "Tien YC, Liu K, Pope C, Wang P, Ma X, and Zhong XB. Dose of phenobarbital and age of treatment at early life are two key factors for the persistent induction of cytochrome P450 enzymes in adult mouse liver". Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2015, 43(12):1938-1945. PMID:26400395. PMCID:PMC4658495.
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2016-James-Gillette-Award.jpg)
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2016-James-Gillette-Award-b.jpg)
Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received a 1st Place Postdoctoral Best Abstract Award from the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2015 Meeting in Boston, MA in March 30, 2015. The awarded poster title is "Impact of neonatal drug exposure on interindividual variations of P450-mediated drug metabolism".
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2015-EB-Yunchen-Tien-1st-place-01.jpg)
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2015-EB-Yunchen-Tien-1st-place-2.jpg)
Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received a 1st Place Postdoctoral Research Best Presentation Award at the 19th North American ISSX/29th JSSX Meeting in San Francisco, CA in October 23, 2014. The awarded poster title is "Impact of neonatal drug exposure on interindividual variations of P450-mediated drug metabolism".
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2014-ISSX-Yunchen-Tien-1st-place-02.jpg)
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2014-ISSX-Yunchen-Tien-1st-place.jpg)
Dr. Lai Peng received a 2nd Place Graduate Student Best Abstract Award from the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2013 Meeting in Boston, MA in April 22, 2013. The awarded poster title is "Long noncoding RNAs and transcription of cytochrome P450s in mouse liver during maturation".
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2013-EB-Lai-Peng-2nd-place-01.jpg)
![Lai Peng ASPET Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2013-EB-Lai-Peng-2nd-place-b.jpg)
Dr. Dan Li received a 3rd Place Postdoctoral Scientist Award from the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2012 Meeting in San Diego, CA in April 23, 2012. The awarded poster title is "RNA-Seq identifies novel transcript variants of cytochrome P450 genes in human hepatocytes: expression and induction".
![Dan Li ASPET Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2012-EB-Dan-Li-3rd-place-a.jpg)
Dr. Dan Li received a 1st Place Postdoc Research Oral Presentation Award at the 2011 Resident, Postdoc, and Fellow Research Day at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS in May 5, 2011. The awarded poster title is "Alternative CTP3A4 mRNA isoforms are related to hepatocyte differentiation, liver development, and response to drug induction".
![ 2011-kumc-dan-li-1st-place](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2011-KUMC-Dan-Li-1st-place-1.jpg)
![ 2011-kumc-dan-li-1st-place](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2011-KUMC-Dan-Li-1st-place-002.jpg)
Dr. Dan Li received a 1st Place Post Doctoral Young Scientist Award from the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2011 Meeting in Washington, DC in April 12, 2011. The awarded poster title is "Alternative CYP3A4 mRNA isoforms are related to hepatocyte differentiation, liver development, and response to drugs".
![Dan Li ASPET Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2011-EB-Dan-Li-1st-place-a.jpg)
Dr. Ye Li received a 2nd Place Postdoctoral Best Abstract Award from the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2008 Meeting in San Diego, CA in April, 2008. The awarded poster title is "Genetic polymorphisms in the RNA polymerase II core promoter and enhancer elements of the UGT1A1 promoter influence its gene transcription".
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2008-EB-Ye-Li-2nd-place.jpg)
Dr. Steven Hart received a 2nd Place Graduate Student Best Abstract Award from the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2009 Meeting in New Orleans, LA in April, 2009. The awarded poster title is "Dynamic chromatin methylation influences ontogeny of xenobiotic metabolizing genes in postnatal mouse liver development".
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2009-EB-Steven-Hart-2nd-place.jpg)
Dr. Steven Hart received a 1st Place Graduate Student Best Abstract Award from the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET at the Experimental Biology 2008 Meeting in San Diego, CA in April, 2008. The awarded poster title is "Single nucleotide polymorphisms in cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase influence drug metabolism".
![ Dr. Yun-Chen Tien received 1st Plase of Postdoctoral Scientist Best Abstract Award issued by the Division for Drug Metabolism of ASPET in 2015 Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston in March, 2015.](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2008-EB-Steven-Hart-1st-place.jpg)
Dr. Xiaobo Zhong received a Research Starter Grant Award between 01/01/2007 and 12/31/2008 from the PhRMA Foundation at the ASPET 2007 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC in April, 2007. The awarded grant title is "Pharmacogenomics of P450 oxidoreductase".
![2007 Xiaobo Zhong PhRMA Award](https://zhong-lab.media.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1625/2016/01/2007-Xiaobo-Zhong-PhRMA-Award.jpg)