Lirong Zhang, Ph.D.
Visiting Scholar (2009-2010)
Current position: Professor and Dean of School of Basic Medical Sciences, Zhengzhou University, China
Working Experience
Wang XF, Yan L, Cao HM, Wei LM, Yang WH, Zhang SJ, Zhang LR. Effect of CYP3A4*1G, CYP3A5*3, POR*28, and ABCB1 C3435T on the pharmacokinetics of nifedipine in healthy Chinese volunteers. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2015; 53(9): 737-745
Shi Y, Liu Y, Wei Z, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Jiang S, Xiong Y, Shen L, He L, Xing Q, Qin S. Hsa-miR-27a is involved in the regulation of CYP3A4 expression in human livers from Chinese Han population. Pharmacogenomics. 2015 ;16(12):1379-86
He W, Zhou B, Liu W, Zhang M, Shen Z, Han Z, Jiang Q, Yang Q, Song C, Wang R, Niu T, Han S, Zhang L, Wu J, Guo F, Zhao R, Yu W, Chai J, Chang J. Identification of a novel small-molecule binding site of the fat mass and obesity associated protein (FTO). J Med Chem. 2015; 58(18): 7341-7348
Shi L, Yang XM, Tang DD, Liu G, Yuan P, Yang Y, Chang LS, Zhang LR, Song DK. Expression and significance of m1A transmethylase, hTrm6p/hTrm61p and its related gene hTrm6/hTrm61 in bladder urothelial carcinoma. Am J Cancer Res. 2015;5(7):2169-2179.
Yu HC, Wu J, Zhang HX, Zhang GL, Sui J, Tong WW, Zhang XY, Nie LL, Duan JH, Zhang LR, Lv LX. Alterations of miR-132 are novel diagnostic biomarkers in peripheral blood of schizophrenia patients. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2015;63:23-9.
Han SN, Sun XY, Zhang Z, Zhang LR. The protease inhibitor atazanavir blocks hERG K(+) channels expressed in HEK293 cells and obstructs hERG protein transport to cell membrane. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2015; 36(4):454-62.
Fan T, Tian F, Yi S, Ke Y, Han S, Zhang L, Liu H. Implications of Bit1 and AIF overexpressions in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Tumour Biol. 2014; 35(1):519-27. PMID: 23955799
Han SN, Yang SH, Zhang Y, Sun XY, Duan YY, Hu XJ, Fan TL, Huang CZ, Yang G, Zhang Z, Zhang LR. Identification and functional characterization of the human ether-a-go-go-related gene Q738X mutant associated with hereditary long QT syndrome type 2. Int J Mol Med. 2014; 34(3):810-5
Wei Z, Jiang S, Zhang Y, Wang X, Peng X, Meng C, Liu Y, Wang H, Guo L, Qin S, He L, Shao F*, Zhang L*, Xing Q*. The effect of microRNAs in the regulation of human CYP3A4: a systematic study using a mathematical model. Sci Rep, 2014; 4, 4283
Yang W, Xu H, Song Y, Wang X, Ren X, Zhao D, Cai Y, Zhang S, Huang J, Zhang LR, Zhang T, Zuo M. Pharmacokinetics of simvastatin lactone and its active metabolite simvastatin hydroxy acid in healthy Chinese male and female volunteers. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014; 52(2):151-8.
Yang F, Gu B, Zhang L, Xuan J, Luo H, Zhou P, Zhu Q, Yan S, Chen SA, Cao Z, Xu J, Xing Q, Luo X. HLA-B*13:01 is associated with salazosulfapyridine-induced drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms in Chinese Han population. Pharmacogenomics. 2014; 15(11):1461-9.
Xu XJ, Zhao LL, Deng CY, Yang L, Wang Y, Guo T, Li LF, Lin JP, Zhang LR. Curcumin suppresses proliferation and induces apoptosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells via the wnt signaling pathway. International J Oncol. 2013 Dec;43(6):1951-9
Zhou D, Ji H, Wei Z, Guo L, Li Y, Wang T, Zhu Y, Dong X, Wang Y, He L, Xing Q, Zhang L. A novel insertional mutation in the connexin 46 (gap junction alpha 3) gene associated with autosomal dominant congenital cataract in a Chinese family. Mol Vis. 2013;19:789-9
Wei Z, Chen M, Zhang Y, Wang X, Jiang S, Wang Y, Wu X, Qin S, He L, Zhang L, Xing Q. No Correlation of hsa-miR-148a with Expression of PXR or CYP3A4 in Human Livers from Chinese Han Population. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e59141
Fu Q, Li YP, Gao Y, Yang SH, Lu PQ, Jia M, Zhang LR. Lack of association between SLCO1B1 polymorphism and the lipid-lowering effects of atorvastatin and simvastatin in Chinese individuals. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2013; 69(6):1269-74.
Tang W, He M, Yang B, Wei K, Yin M, Zhang L. Association study of polymorphisms in the cyclooxygenase-2 gene and Alzheimer’s disease risk in Chinese. Neurol Sci. 2013; 34(5):695-9
Yang WH, Zeng ZS, Ren XW, Li YP, Shang WJ, Feng GW, Zhang LR. Simvastatin-induced myopathy with concomitant use of cyclosporine: case report. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2011; 49(12):772-7.
Han S, Zhang Y, Chen Q, Duan Y, Zheng T, Hu X, Zhang Z, Zhang L. Fluconazole inhibits hERG K(+) channel by direct block and disruption of protein trafficking. Eur J Pharmacol. 2011; 650(1):138-44
Li F, Miao Y, Zhang L, Neuenswander SA, Douglas JT, Ma X. Metabolomic Analysis Reveals Novel Isoniazid Metabolites and Hydrazones in Human Urine. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2011;26(6):569-76
Zhang W, Yuan JJ, Kan QC, Zhang LR, Chang YZ, Wang ZY. Study of the OPRM1 A118G genetic polymorphism associated with postoperative nausea and vomiting induced by fentanyl intravenous analgesia. Minerva Anestesiol. 2011; 77(1):33-9
Zhang W, Yuan JJ, Kan QC, Zhang LR, Chang YZ, Wang ZY, Li ZS. Influence of CYP3A5*3 polymorphism and interaction between CYP3A5*3 and CYP3A4*1G polymorphisms on post-operative fentanyl analgesia in Chinese patients undergoing gynaecological surgery. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011;28(4):245-50
Wei KK, Zhang LR(correspondence), Zhang Y, Hu XJ. Interactions between CYP7A1 A-204C and ABCG8 C1199A polymorphisms on lipid lowering with atorvastatin. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2011, 36(6):725-33
Li YP, Zhang LR, Jia M, Hu XJ. CYP3AP1*3 Allele Is Associated With Lipid-Lowering Efficacy of Simvastatin and Atorvastatin in Chinese Women. J Clin Pharmacol. 2011; 51(2):181-8
Niu S, Li F, Tan DX, Zhang L, Idle JR, Gonzalez FJ, Ma X. Analysis of N(1)-acetyl-N(2)-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine/N(1)-acetyl-5-methoxy-kynuramine formation from melatonin in mice. J Pineal Res. 2010; 49(2):106-14
Guo J, Han SN, Liu JX, Zhang XM, Hu ZX, Shi J, Zhang LR, Zhao ZZ, Zhang Z. The action of a novel fluoroquinolone antibiotic agent antofloxacin hydrochloride on HERG potassium channel. Basic. Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 2010; 107(2):643-9
Song DK, Xing DL, Zhang LR (correspondence), Li ZX, Liu J, Qiao BP. Association of NAT2, GSTM1, GSTT1, CYP2A6, and CYP2A13 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility and clinicopathologic characteristics of bladder cancer in Central China. Cancer Detect Prev 2009; 32(5-6):416-23
He MX, Yang WL, Zhang MM, Lian YJ, Hua HY, Zeng JS, Zhang LR. Association between interleukin-6 gene promoter -572C/G polymorphism and the risk of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. Neurol Sci. 2010; 31(2):165-8
Zhang W, Chang YZ, Kan QC, Zhang LR, Li ZS, Lu H, Wang ZY, Chu QJ, Zhang J. CYP3A4*1G genetic polymorphism influences CYP3A activity and response to fentanyl in Chinese gynecologic patients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010; 66(1):61-6
Zhang W, Chang YZ, Kan QC, Zhang LR, Lu H, Chu QJ, Wang ZY, Li ZS, Zhang J. Association of human mu-opioid receptor gene polymorphism A118G with fentanyl analgesia consumption in Chinese gynaecological patients. Anaesthesia. 2010; 65(2):130-5
Fan T, Jiang G, Suo Z, Liu H, Xu P, Ji Z, Zhang L, Yang G. Down-regulation of the apoptosis-inducing factor or Bcl-2 inhibitor of transcription by RNA interference can alleviate TAp63gamma-induced apoptosis in esophageal squamous carcinoma EC9706 cells. Int J Oncol. 2009; 35(2):359-67
Gao Y, Zhang LR, Fu Q. CYP3A4*1G polymorphism is associated with lipid-lowering efficacy of atorvastatin but not of simvastatin. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2008;64(9):877-82
Zhang LR, Song DK, Zhang W, Zhao J. Efficient screening method of the thiopurine methyltransferase polymorphisms for patients considering taking thiopurine drugs in a Chinese Han population in Henan Province (central China). Clin Chim Acta, 2007;376(1-2):45-51
Zhang LR, Li XT, Tang WL, Wang YM, Cheng NN, Chen BY. Changes in brain interleukin-1beta following the coadministration of norfloxacin with biphenylacetic acid in rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2006; 543(1-3):21-6
Qiao HL, Hu YR, Tian X, Jia LJ, Gao N, Zhang LR. Pharmacokinetics of three proton pump inhibitors in Chinese subjects in relation to the CYP2C19 genotype. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 2006;10:1-6
Song DK, Zhao J, Zhang LR. TPMT genotype and its clinical implication in renal transplant recipients with azathioprine treatment. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2006; 31:627–635 | |
Phone | +86 371-67781855 |
Mailing Address | Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China |