Lai Peng, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Student (2009-2014)
Current position: Senior Toxicologist, Victoria's Secret Shanghai Branch, Shanghai, China
Professional Appointments
Professional Societies
Honors and Awards
Oral Presentations
“Long noncoding RNAs and transcription of cytochrome P450s in mouse liver during maturation”. Session of “Epigenetic control in drug metabolism and transport” of Experimental Biology Meeting in Boston, MA in April 21, 2013.
Poster Presentations
Li D, Hart SN, Peng L, Tregear H, and Zhong XB. Surveying of alternative transcripts and splicing variants of P450 genes in response to xenobiotics by RNA sequencing. Gordon Research Conference on Drug Metabolism, Heldnerness, NH, July 11-16, 2010.
Li D, Hart SN, Peng L, Tregear H, and Zhong XB. RNA-seq reveals alternative transcripts and splicing variants of P450 genes in human hepatoma HepaRG cells in response to xenobiotics. 9th International ISSX Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, September 4-8, 2010.
Peng L, Li D, Lee IH, Visvanathan M, and Zhong XB. RNA-Seq reveals the transcriptome changes at gene and transcript levels after treatment of HepaRG cells and primary human hepatocytes with phenobarbital. 17th North American Regional ISSX Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 16-20, 2011.
Peng L, Hart SN, and Zhong XB. 2011. Stable transfection of CYP2D6 gene into HepaRG cells. 17th North American Regional ISSX Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 16-20, 2011.
Li D, Peng L, Lee IH, Li J, Visvanathan M, and Zhong XB. RNA-Seq identifies novel alternative transcripts of cytochrome P450s in human hepatocytes. Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, April 21-25, 2012.
Cui JY, Gunewardena SS, Yoo B, Peng L, Liu J, Renaud HJ, Lu H, Zhong XB, and Klaassen CD. Ontogenic profiling of the nuclear receptor superfamily in mouse liver using RNA-Seq. 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Boston, Massachusetts, November 9-13, 2012.
Peng L, Paulson A, Li H, He X, Li L, and Zhong XB. Long non-coding RNAs in liver maturation. Keystone Symposium on Noncoding RNAs in Development and Cancer. Vancouver, Canada, January 20-25, 2013.
Peng L, Paulson A, Li H, Lu H, Klaassen CD, Li L, and Zhong XB. Long noncoding RNAs and transcription of cytochrome P450s in mouse liver during maturation. Experimental Biology, Boston, Massachusetts, April 20-24, 2013.
Pope C, Peng L, Paulson A, Li H, He X, Li L, and Zhong XB. RNA-Seq reveals transcriptional response of coding RNAs and long non-coding RNAs to rifampicin treatment in primary human hepatocytes and HepaRG cells. 10th International ISSX Meeting, Toronto, Canada, September 29-October 3, 2013.
Peng L, Cui JY, Renaud HJ, Yoo B, Gunewardena SS, Lu H, Klaassen CD, and Zhong XB. Hepatic ontogeny of drug processing genes in mouse liver. Society of Toxicology 2014 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, March 24-27, 2014.
Peng L, Cui JY, Yoo B, Tien YC, Lu H, Klaassen CD, and Zhong XB. The role of FXR in the regulation of Phase-I drug metabolizing gene expression during mouse liver maturation. Experimental Biology, San Diego, April 26-30, 2014.
Cui JY, Peng L, Yoo B, Tien YC, Lu H, Zhong XB, and Klaassen CD. Developmental regulation of nuclear receptor mRNAs in livers of FXR-null mice. Experimental Biology, San Diego, April 26-30, 2014.
Piekos S, Peng L, and Zhong XB. 2016. The temporal expression and regulation of an imprinted gene network during postnatal liver development in mice. Experimental Biology, San Diego, April 2-6, 2016.
Peng L, Yoo B, Gunewardena SS, Lu H, Klaassen CD, and Zhong XB. RNA-Seq reveals dynamic changes of mRNA abundance of cytochrome P450s and their alternative transcripts during liver development. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2012, 40(6):1198-1209. PMID:22434873. PMCID:PMC3362789.
Sugimura R, He XC, Venkatraman A, Arai F, Box A, Semerad C, Haug JS, Peng L, Zhong XB, Suda T, and Li L. Non-canonical Wnt signaling maintains hematopoietic stem cells in the niche. Cell, 2012, 150(2): 351-365. PMID:22817897.
Venkatraman A, He XC, Thorvaldsen J, Sugimura R, Perry JM, Zhao M, Christiansen MK, Sanchez R, Yu JY, Peng L, Haug JS, Paulson A, Li H, Zhong XB, Clemmens TL, Bartolomei M, and Li L. Maternal-specific imprinting in the H19-Igf2 locus maintains quiescent long-term hematopoietic stem cells. Nature 2013, 500(7462):345-349. PMID:23863936. PMCID:PMC3896866.
Peng L, Cui JY, Yoo B, Gunewardena SS, Lu H, Klaassen CD, and Zhong XB. RNA-Sequencing quantification of hepatic ontogeny of phase-I enzymes in mice. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2013, 41:2175-2186. PMID:24080161. PMCID:PMC3834128.
Peng L, Paulson A, Li H, Piekos S, He X, Li L, and Zhong XB. Developmental programming of long non-coding RNAs during postnatal liver maturation in mice. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(12):e114917. PMID:25503252. PMCID:PMC4263710.
Peng L and Zhong XB. Epigenetic regulation of drug metabolism and transport. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2015, 5(2):106-112. PMID:26579435. PMCID:PMC4629221.
Gunewardena SS, Yoo B, Peng L, Lu H, Zhong XB, Klaassen CD, and Cui JY. Deciphering the developmental dynamics of the mouse liver transcriptome. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(10):e0141220. PMID:26496202. PMCID:PMC4619800.
Peng L, Piekos S, Guo GL, and Zhong XB. Role of farnesoid X receptor in establishment of ontogeny of phase-I drug metabolizing enzyme genes in mouse liver. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2016, 6(5):453-459. doi:10.1016/j.apsb.2016.07.015. PMID:27709014. PMCID:PMC5054554.
Peng L, Piekos SC, Guo GL, and Zhong XB. Role of farnesoid X receptor in the determination of liver transcriptome during postnatal maturation in mice. Nuclear Receptor Research, 2017, Vol. 4, Article ID 101308, 16 pages. doi:10.11131/2017/101308.
Ph.D. Thesis
Developmental regulation of phase-I drug metabolizing enzyme genes in mouse liver. Doctoral Dissertations, 2014, 451. PDF. | |
Mailing Address | Key Laboratory of System Biomedicine, Center for Comparative Biomedicine, Institute of Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China |